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VIRTUAL Safety/Negotiation (individual/couples)


ROPE SAFETY: Safety, Sense, and Sensibility
Companion class to Kinbaku 101

A virtual class for those who are new to rope, looking for a refresher or bringing a new partner and is appropriate for tops, bottoms, models, photographers … well, everyone. This 1.5-hour discussion includes rope play types and methods, session intent, rope-specific negotiations, meeting and evaluating prospective partners, recognizing red flags, session prep, medical and psychological considerations, tools of the trade, the difference between “rope space” and “subspace”, and guidance on various types of rope-specific aftercare for you and your partner. Includes Female top + male bottom specific tips. 

$30.00 individual group
$35.00 individual private

$55 couple* group
$65 couple* private

*Couple viewing at the same physical location


Individual group, Individual private, Couples Viewing From Same Location group, Couples Viewing From Same Location private